Day trip bathing travel journals to hot springs where we visited by train and bus

If you go to a hot spring, do you drive? train?

"TRAIN ONSEN - Travel Journals to Hot Springs in Japan" is a site for those who want to go to hot spring by train (and bus), not by car.

In fact, there are many things that are more convenient on a train than on a car.

This site introduces hot springs that can be reached by train and bus. near stations that are easy to reach by train and hot springs that can be reached by bus.


He is an orthodox hot springs lover and particular about quality of springs. He loves the hot springs flowing from the source, the hot water with a presence, and the rustic atmosphere.
He doesn't care much about quality of hot springs. He loves the open-air bath, and prefers hot springs that have visible features such as good views.

How to view this site

Standard of a star rating


Nishi-san and Kita-san's ratings

Ratings are according to each person's preference for hot springs.
(Access is not evaluated here.)

★★★★★5.0 pt
Super fantastic!! 
★★★★4.0 pt
Very wonderful! 
★★★☆☆3.0 pt
★★☆☆☆2.0 pt
☆☆☆☆1.0 pt
Not bad. 
☆☆☆☆☆0.0 pt
Regret going ... 
Nishi-san's preference for hot springs

He most values whether or not the water is flowing from the source and nothing is added to water. He likes hot springs that have a presence in the hot water and have a tasteful atmosphere.

Kita-san's preference for hot springs

He most values open-air baths. He likes the water has a unique characteristics, and the spacious spa with a nice view.


Rating of access

It's deduction method. From the full score (5 points), points are deducted according to the time required for each mode of transportation in the table below. And the final score is determined considering the impression of accessibility. (If there are multiple access methods, use the access method with the highest score.) When the calculation result is under 0 points, the final score is 0 points.

Points Train
(Every 30 min: -0.5 points)
(Every 30 min: -0.5 points)
(Every 15 min: -0.5 points)
0 Less than 30 min - Less than 15 min
-0.5 30 min - 1 hr - 15 min - 30 min
-1 1 hr - 1 hr 30 min Less than 30 min 30 min - 45min
-1.5 1 hr 30 min - 2 hrs 30 min - 1 hr 45 min - 1 hr
-2 2 hrs - 2 hrs 30 min 1 hr - 1 hr 30 min 1 hr - 1 hr 15 min
-2.5 2 hrs 30 min - 3 hrs 1 hr 30 min - 2 hrs 1 hr 15 min - 1 hr 30 min
-3 3 hrs - 3 hrs 30 min 2 hrs - 2 hrs 30 min 1 hr 30 min - 1 hr 45 min
-3.5 3 hrs 30 min - 4 hrs 2 hrs 30 min - 3 hrs 1 hr 45 min - 2 hrs
-4 4 hrs - 4 hrs 30 min 3 hrs - 3 hrs 30 min 2 hrs - 2 hrs 15 min
-4.5 4 hrs 30 min - 5 hrs 3 hrs 30 min - 4 hrs 2 hrs 15 min - 2 hrs 30 min
-5 5 hrs or more 4 hrs or more 2 hrs 30 min or more

(Example of calculation)
2 hrs and 15 min by train to the nearest station, 10 min by bus from the nearest station, 10 min on foot from the bus stop to the hot spring facility, Perfect score (5) -2-1-0 = 2 The rating of access is basically 2 points, and the final score is given in consideration of the impression of accessibility.

  • By train, the time required from the starting city to the nearest station.
    (When using a train that does not require an express fare)
  • By bus, the time required from the nearest station to the bus stop near the hot spring facility
  • On foot, the time required from the nearest station (or bus stop) to the hot spring facility

About the use of words

The meaning of the icons

For the meaning of the icons that display the characteristics of the hot spring, see the page The meaning of the icons.

Onsen List

Tohoku Region

Kanto Region

Kyushu Region

  • Fukuoka Pref.